5. Cells - RC/CR Formats

In RC and CR formats, cells are specified by their row and column numbers, using the letters R and C (or r, c), with brackets around relative offsets.

For example, relative to cell D2:

  r0C0      - fixed row 0, fixed column 0 (same as C0R0 or A0)
  R1c2      - fixed row 1, fixed column 2 (same as C2R1 or C1)
  C[-2]R[]  - relative column -2, same row, i.e. B2, relative to D2
  R[-2]C[0] - relative row -2, same column, i.e. D0, relative to D2
  R[1]C[+1] - relative row +1, relative column +1, i.e. E3, relative to D2
  R[]C[]    - relative row and column, no offsets, i.e. D2 relative to D2
The format command can be used to change the format for printing formulas from A0 (the default) to RC or CR.


  b1 = 10*a1 + $d$0;
  copy b2:b5 b1:b4;
  format RC; print b1:b5 formulas;
  1       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  2       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  3       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  4       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  5       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3