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27.2.2 gdb/mi Output Syntax

The output from gdb/mi consists of zero or more out-of-band records followed, optionally, by a single result record. This result record is for the most recent command. The sequence of output records is terminated by ‘(gdb)’.

If an input command was prefixed with a token then the corresponding output for that command will also be prefixed by that same token.

output ==>
( out-of-band-record )* [ result-record ] "(gdb)" nl
result-record ==>
[ token ] "^" result-class ( "," result )* nl
out-of-band-record ==>
async-record | stream-record
async-record ==>
exec-async-output | status-async-output | notify-async-output
exec-async-output ==>
[ token ] "*" async-output
status-async-output ==>
[ token ] "+" async-output
notify-async-output ==>
[ token ] "=" async-output
async-output ==>
async-class ( "," result )* nl
result-class ==>
"done" | "running" | "connected" | "error" | "exit"
async-class ==>
"stopped" | others (where others will be added depending on the needs—this is still in development).
result ==>
variable "=" value
variable ==>
value ==>
const | tuple | list
const ==>
tuple ==>
"{}" | "{" result ( "," result )* "}"
list ==>
"[]" | "[" value ( "," value )* "]" | "[" result ( "," result )* "]"
stream-record ==>
console-stream-output | target-stream-output | log-stream-output
console-stream-output ==>
"~" c-string
target-stream-output ==>
"@" c-string
log-stream-output ==>
"&" c-string
nl ==>
token ==>
any sequence of digits.


See gdb/mi Stream Records, for more details about the various output records.